How is artificial intelligence reshaping our world?



Slovak PRO

USA USA (750 000 krajanov)

Miesto realizácie

167 East 73rd Street New York, NY 10021

USA USA (750 000 krajanov)

Dátum realizácie





Popis udalosti/akcie/projektu:

Dear friends,

We would like to invite you to our upcoming Slovak PRO event focused on the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in reshaping our world. Please join us on Thursday, May 25 at 6PM for networking and discussion about the impact of artificial intelligence on various industries and about the latest trends and predictions in the tech field.

We've assembled an expert lineup of panelists for this event. Wilfrido Solano, a Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services, will talk about quantum computing and the cybersecurity threats of the future; Kristina Sojakova, Strategic Technology Partnerships at IBM, will discuss how IBM's AI applications are helping businesses to drive operational efficiencies and create better employee and customer experiences; Vladimir Lackovic, digital marketing expert and a Strategic Advisor at Touch4IT, will talk about policy and the ethical implications of AI; and finally, Jan Hrabcak, Engineering Manager at Google, will share his experiences working with Google products that utilize AI.

The event promises to be an exciting opportunity to learn more about how AI is reshaping our world.

We hope you can join us on May 25 at 6PM!


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