Slovak PRO v San Francisco Bay Area



Slovak PRO

USA USA (750 000 krajanov)

Miesto realizácie

San Francisco Bay Area

USA USA (750 000 krajanov)

Dátum realizácie





Popis udalosti/akcie/projektu:

On Friday, November 17, Slovak PRO successfully hosted its inaugural event for Slovak professionals in the San Francisco Bay Area, marking the first of its kind since Slovak PRO & BrainBoard joined forces.

We celebrated the 34th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia and the freedom and democracy that have allowed us to enjoy the opportunities we have today. This gathering provided a platform for connecting with fellow Slovak professionals, fostering idea exchange, collaboration on projects, and meeting both new and familiar faces.

A special thank you goes to the Consul General of Slovakia in New York, Milan Vrbovsky, who flew in from NYC, as well as Hon. Consul of Slovakia in SF, Barbara Pivnicka, for delivering opening remarks. As part of our program, we also welcomed Daniel Svonava from Superlinked and Milos Poplar from Eldison to our Slovak community. Daniel Svonava shared the success story of Superlinked, a company that enables software developers to build search & recommendations systems powered by vector embeddings. Milo Poplar, head of Eldison US, a law firm that helps businesses grow faster with tech-powered legal services, discussed legal progress in Slovakia related to talent, investment, and network. The evening unfolded with an engaging discussion that brought together over 40 Slovak professionals, providing a forum to exchange ideas, share experiences, and pool expertise.

We are already looking forward to hosting more Slovak PRO - Slovak Professionals events in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2024!

A heartfelt thank you to our generous sponsors, without whom this event wouldn't be possible: Consulate General of the Slovak Republic in New York, Eldison – Where Legal Meets Tech, City of San Francisco, and our individual donors.


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