130 years since the foundation of the Slovak town


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USA USA (750 000 krajanov)

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Today, it’s exactly 1⃣3⃣0⃣ years since the foundation of the Slovak town in Prairie County, AR (Arkansas).

It is the only municipality in the United States named after Slovakia 🇸🇰

The community was founded in 1894 and settled by Slovak immigrants who were drawn to the area when Slovak Colonization Company in Pennsylvania bought 3,000 acres of land in Arkansas to colonize the area with Slovaks.

Some 25 Slovak families settled in the Eastern part of Arkansas, where they built farms, school, and a church. Today, there are still many Slovak cultural, fraternal and religious organizations in the community, organizing traditional annual Oyster Supper and Slovak cultural events.

Mid-20th Century there were about 90 Slovak families, and at the end of the subsequent decade, there were roughly 500 people of Slovak descent scattered around the area.

🎥 "Slovaktown, Arkansas Documentary," by UpRooted Media and Twist Creat Studio is currently underway which will capture family interviews, shots of the community, the farms, and day-to-day community life.


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