Slovak PRO Summit 2024: From Goals to Greatness!



Slovak PRO

USA USA (750 000 krajanov)

Miesto realizácie

New York

USA USA (750 000 krajanov)

Dátum realizácie

od 23.9.2024 do 24.9.2024




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We are excited to announce the Slovak PRO Summit 2024, which will take place on September 23-24 in New York City. This exclusive event will bring together around 90 selected guests from the Slovak professional community in North America to celebrate success, inspire collaboration, and explore meaningful ways to give back to Slovakia.

The theme of this year’s summit, “From Goals to Greatness: Celebrating Slovak Success and Giving Back,” reflects our mission to harness the extraordinary talents and achievements of Slovak professionals in North America to drive progress and innovation in Slovakia. Through keynote speeches, panel discussions, and TedX talks, we will highlight the unique role the Slovak diaspora can play in shaping Slovakia’s future.

By uniting some of the most accomplished Slovaks across various fields, we aim to foster deeper connections, share valuable insights, and create new pathways for collaboration between the diaspora and Slovakia.


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