LUMUS: Angel investor 3.0.



Growth Lab s.r.o.

Slovenská republika Slovenská republika (5 000 000 krajanov)

Miesto realizácie

San Francisco, USA

USA USA (750 000 krajanov)

Dátum realizácie

Piatok - 14.3.2025




Popis udalosti/akcie/projektu:

March 14th, 2025, San Francisco (offline), 11:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.


● Hilary Shirazi, Head of Corporate Development at Notion, Angel Investor

● Peter Gajdos, Partner & Deputy Chief Investment Officer at Fifth Wall, Angel Investor – Peter Gajdoš is a Slovak entrepreneur and angel (early-stage) investor living in San Francsico, a leading member of Slovak diaspora there

Goals of the event:

● A candid, off-the-record conversation with Hilary, Peter and all the attendees the on the evolution of angel investing

● Networking opportunities with fellow angel investors in a relaxed, welcoming environment (especially Slovak diaspora and other angel investors in

● Actionable insights on the impact of AI and syndication models on angel investing strategies

● Presentation of real-life examples of angel investing, incl. emerging start-ups in



11:30 – 11:45 pm: Arrivals, informal networking

11:45 – 11:50 pm: OPENING NOTE (Vladimíra Činčurová, Lucia Cerchlan, Zuzana


● welcoming to the event, introduction of LUMUS Investment Collective, its mission, purpose, biggest achievements, especially in connecting startups and Slovak investors

● explanation of the purpose of this event

● thanks to the partners (VAIA)

● how do we plan to create an environment for exchanging know-how, investments and career opportunities between the Slovak diaspora and innovative start-ups

11:50 – 12:00 pm: NETWORKING ACTIVITY (Zuzana Gergeľová, Head of Community)

Activity to make participants get to know each other - each participant has to say:

● their name and

● their profession/job/field of expertise

● what they are looking for

● how they can help

in a funny and engaging way

12:00 – 1:00 pm: PANEL DISCUSSION with Hilary and Peter (Lucia Cerchlan, LUMUS Investment Collective)

Exploring the evolving landscape of angel investing:

● angel investing is changing in the age of AI

● new syndication models

● the most important trends in early stage investing

1:00 – 2:00 pm: NETWORKING over lunch

This event is funded by the European Union NextGenerationEU, Component 10: Attracting and retaining talent, Investment 2: Strengthening relations with the diaspora, supporting civic initiatives, Call for support to strengthen relations with the Slovak diaspora with code 10I02-03-V01


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