KInIT is looking for new PhD students!


Miesto realizácie

Slovenská republika Slovenská republika (5 000 000 krajanov)

Dátum realizácie

od 1.3.2022 do 31.3.2022




Popis udalosti/akcie/projektu:

Do you want to study in an inspiring environment and become a top expert in AI? Are you interested in excellent, original world-class research, the connection with industry and current research and innovation challenges?

Top-notch mentors from KInIT, renowned experts from world-class research institutions and all the time and space you need to focus on your research. Apply now!

More info about PhD at KInIT:

KInIT Mentors [video]:

KInIT Students [video]:

At PhD study at KInIT you’ll be teamed up with the best researchers in the region, you’ll have access to a distinguished supervising team, including industrial partners and/or renowned experts from world-class research institutions.


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