Miesto realizácie
London School of Economics and Political Science
Spojené kráľovstvo (110 000 krajanov)
Dátum realizácie
Popis udalosti/akcie/projektu:
We are the 7th annual Central European Conference! 💙
Under the theme: Building a Strong European Core: Navigating Economic, Political and Societal Challenges, we bring together interesting and contemporary topics affecting the region.
By encouraging constructive debates through panels and workshops, we strive to create an environment of mutual learning and discussion. With expert speakers discussing six key topics, we are excited to show you what our 2025 event has to show! 🙌🏻
So make sure to get your tickets soon, before they are all gone!
Viac informácií:
Central European Conference 2025 - od 15.3.2025 do 15.3.2025
Česko-slovenské výtvarné dielne, výstava a kniha - od 2.1.2024 do 30.3.2025
Slovenské rozprávky z celého sveta - VII. ročník - od 24.9.2024 do 31.3.2025
Hľadáme Slováčika roka vo Veľkej Británii - od 1.3.2025 do 31.3.2025